Research Activities

Since January 1, 2015, I have been teaching at School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University during the US academic year (from September to May). I also engage in research and lecture activities at Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB), Columbia University, throughout the year. During the summer months (from June to August), I teach at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) as Senior Professor.


2025.2.7 Japan Economic Seminar (CJEB)
 Date & Time: Friday, February 7, 2025 | 1:00 – 5:35 PM
 Room 490, Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School
 Session 4: “Economic Security and New Industrial Policy”
 Presenter: Mireya Solís, Philip Knight Chair in Japan Studies, The Brookings Institution
 Coauthors: Shiro Armstrong, Shujiro Urata
 Discussant: Takeo Hoshi, University of Tokyo
 Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB

 Conclusion: Takatoshi Ito

 CJEB Events Arcives


2024.11.21-23 Participated in PIFS US-Japan Symposium.
 PIFS US-Japan Symposium
 Date:November 21-23, 2024
 Venue:Washington, DC
2024.11.20 Participated in 2024 Economics & Finance Forum, Japan Society.
 2024 Economics & Finance Forum: U.S. Presidential Election & Its Global Impact
 Date & Time:Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
 Panel Discussion:
 Joyce Chang, Chair, Global Research, J.P. Morgan Chase
 R. Glenn Hubbard, Dean Emeritus; Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia   Business School; former Chairman, President’s Council of Economic Advisers
 Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
 Merit E. Janow, Dean Emerita, & Professor of Practice, School of International & Public Affairs, Columbia University; Chair of the Board of Directors, Japan Society
2024.11.18-19 Organized and participated in A Live Webinar from the Series on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, 'Pension Funds and Alternative Investments.'
 Date & Time:Monday, November 18, 2024 | 6:00 – 7:00 PM (ET)
       Tuesday, November 19, 2024 | 8:00 – 9:00 AM (Japan Time)
  Terezie Hesounova Trivell, Director of Private Markets, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
  Suyi Kim, Ex-Senior Managing Director and Head of Private Equity, CPP Investments
 Moderator: Keiko Honda, Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University
 Opening Remarks: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, SIPA; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
 Note: This event was held under the Chatham House Rule. A recording of the event will not be made public.
 CJEB Events Arcives
2024.11.15 Participated in the Institute of Energy Economics Japan Outlook 2025 (SIPA and CJEB) as a moderator.
IEEJ’s (Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) Outlook 2025
 Date:Friday, 15 November 2024, 10:00-11:00(EDT)
 Venue:the Center on Global Energy Policy conference room in New York
2024.11.8 【Tokyo College Webinar】Economic Policies under Japan’s New Cabinet: Wish List and Prospects
more info here
Date(s): Friday, 8 November 2024, 8:00-9:15 JST
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Registration: Pre-registration required
Language: Japanese (English interpretation)
[Panelists]  ITO Takatoshi (Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, SIPA and CJEB)
 KAWAGUCHI Daiji (Professor, Faculty of Economics and Dean, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo)
 USUI Emiko (Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
 [Moderator]  Takeo HOSHI (Director, Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo)
 Video Here (YouTube)
2024.10.22 Had a panel discussion with Asia-Pacific Central Bank Governors at Columbia University.
Monetary Policy Challenges in Asia-Pacific: A panel discussion with Asia-Pacific Central Bank Governors
A panel discussion with Asia-Pacific Central Bank Governors
 Date & Time: October 22, 2024, 9:00-11:00AM
 Perry Warjiyo, Governor, Bank Indonesia
 Eli Remolona, Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Philipinas
 Rhee Changyong, Governor, Bank of Korea
 Moderator: Professor Takatoshi Ito, Columbia SIPA
 Other participating SIPA Faculty:
 Professor Richard Clarida
 Professor Jeffry Frieden
 Professor Alan Taylor
2024.10.21 Participated in PIIE-BIS-WTO event as an presenter.
Geopolitics and international trade and finance: Knowns and unknowns
 Date & Time: October 21, 2024, 3:00-4:20PM
 Session 4: Panel discussion on policy implications and solutions
 Moderator: Andréa M. Maechler, BIS
  Emily Blanchard, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
  Mary E. Lovely, PIIE
  Yeo Han-Koo, PIIE
  Takatoshi Ito, Columbia Business School
2024.10.9 The 2024 Annual Lecture on the Japanese Economy (CJEB)
 The 2024 Annual Lecture on the Japanese Economy by Prof. Takatoshi Ito
 Three Challenges Facing the Japanese Economy: Demography, Debts, and Decarbonization

 Date & Time: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | 6:30 – 7:45 PM
 Venue: Room 620, Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School
 Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
 Moderator: David E. Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University
 CJEB Events Arcives
2024.9 A new NBER Working paper has been published.
“Invoicing Currency and Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Japanese Imports: A Panel VAR Analysis”
Taiyo Yoshimi, Uraku Yoshimoto, Takatoshi Ito, Kiyotaka Sato, Junko Shimizu & Yushi Yoshida
DOI 10.3386/w32910
Issue Date September 2024
2024.8.23 【Tokyo College Webinar】Panel discussion “The Economy of Japan Viewed from the Outside” (Speakers: Prof. Takatoshi ITO, Prof. Nobuhiro KIYOTAKI)
more info here
Video here (YouTube)
Date(s): Friday, 23 August 2024, 16:00-17:30 JST
Venue: Zoom Webinar (Register here)
Registration: Pre-registration required
Language: Japanese (English interpretation)
[Lecture] Takatoshi ITO (Tokyo College Professor, The University of Tokyo; Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University)
Nobuhiro KIYOTAKI (Tokyo College Professor, The University of Tokyo; Professor, Department of Economics, Princeton University)
[Discussion, Q&A] Moderator
Takeo HOSHI (Director, Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo)
2024.7.18-8.24 Assigned to the Tokyo College Professor.
2024.7.4-5 Participated in 8TH HOSPITALITY FINANCE & ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (Jointly-organized by
Hitotsubashi University, EHL Hospitality Business School and NUS Institute of Real Estate & Urban Studies) as a Keynote speaker.
Program Here
Date: July 4-5, 2024
Venue: International House of Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
Day 1 – Thursday, 4 July 12:00 – 13:00
Session 2: Keynote Speech: A Tale of Two Whales, How to build up alternatives at GPIF and the University Fund in Japan
Professor Takatoshi Ito
2024.6.4 2024 CJEB Annual Tokyo Conference
Navigating Global Challenges: AI, Innovation, Monetary Policy, and Trade
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 | 1:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (Reception to follow)
Venue: Otemachi Financial City Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan
Co-sponsored by: Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Fee: 15,000 JPY | Simultaneous translation provided

Panel I: Evolving Monetary Policy in Japan and the United States
Ryozo Himino, Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan
Patricia C. Mosser, Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University
Tsutomu Watanabe, Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Takatoshi Ito, Professor, SIPA; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB, Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB), Columbia Business School (CBS)
Video Here(YouTube)
CJEB Events Arcives

2024.3 A new NBER Working paper has been published.
“Invoicing Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarities and Currency Matching”
Yushi Yoshida, Junko Shimizu, Takatoshi Ito, Kiyotaka Sato, Taiyo Yoshimi & Uraku Yoshimoto
DOI 10.3386/w32276
ISSUE DATE March 2024
2024.3.1-3  I participated in and presented a paper 'Japan and India: Geopolitics, Democracy, and Industrial Policy' at The CSEP conference 'India in Asia, Deeper Engagement: New Industrial Policies: Asian Perspectives,' March 1-3, 2024 at Neemrana Fort-Palace.
2024.2 A new NBER Working paper has been published.
“Invoice Currency Choice in Intra-Firm Trade: A Transaction-Level Analysis of Japanese Automobile Exports”
Taiyo Yoshimi, Uraku Yoshimoto, Kiyotaka Sato, Takatoshi Ito, Junko Shimizu & Yushi Yoshida
DOI 10.3386/w32142
ISSUE DATE February 2024


2023.11.30 Participated in Conference on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds (CJEB event) as a moderator.
Conference on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds
Agenda Here
Summary Here
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023 | 3:00 – 6:10 PM
Venue: Room 620, Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School

Panel I: Macro Environment for Long-Term Investment
Richard Clarida, C. Lowell Harriss Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Columbia University
Patricia C. Mosser, Director, MPA Program in Economic Policy Management; Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University
Junko Nishioka, Chief Economist; Managing Director & Deputy General Manager, Treasury Unit, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Discussant: Hiroshi Ugai, Chief Economist; Managing Director, University Fund, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds (PPPSF), CJEB; Professor, SIPA

Panel II: The University Fund of Japan
Mark Anson, CEO and CIO, Commonfund
Masakazu Kita, Vice President and CIO, University Fund, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Naoya Sugimoto, CFA, CAIA, FRM, Managing Director and Co-CIO, University Fund, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Maria Vassalou, Head, Pictet Institute
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito
Welcoming Remarks: David Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University
CJEB Events Arcives

2023.11.28 Participated in the CJEB event, Monetary and Fiscal Lessons from Japan's Unlost Decades (Featuring Paul Sheard, Author of The Power of Money; Former Vice Chairman, S&P Global) as a moderator.
Monetary and Fiscal Lessons from Japan’s Unlost Decades
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 | 12:45 – 1:45 PM
Venue: Room 490, Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School
Featuring: Paul Sheard, Author of The Power of Money; Former Vice Chairman, S&P Global
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University;
Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
CJEB Events Arcives
2023.11.16-18 Participated in PIFS 2023 Japan – US Symposium.
  PIFS 2023 Japan – US Symposium
  Date & Time: November 16-18, 2023
  Venue: The Prince Karuizawa West
2023.10.5 I gave a speech at CJEB.
  ”Will the National University Fund Generate Innovation at Japanese Universities?”
  Date & Time: Thursday, October 5, 2023 | 6:00 – 7:30 PM (Reception to follow)
  Venue: Room 120 (Cooperman Commons), Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School
  Featuring: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
  Moderator: David E. Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University
  Main Organizer: Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB), Columbia Business School
  Outreach Partner: Japan Research Program, Weatherhead East Asian Institute (WEAI), Columbia University
  CJEB Events Arcives
2023.8.1-8.2 Participated in NBER Japan Project Meeting, Summer 2023.
  Program Here
  Date: August 1-2, 2023
  Venue: Asian Development Bank Institute, Kasumigaseki Building 8F, 3-2-5, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6008, Japan
  Organizers: Shiro P. Armstrong, Charles Yuji Horioka, Tsutomu Watanabe, and David Weinstein
2023.7.10-7.14 Participated in NBER Summer Institute (International Finance and Macroeconomics, and Monetary Economics).
2023.6.5-6.6 Participated in East Asian Seminar on Economics, 2023 as a co-organizer.
  Program Here
  Date: June 5-6, 2023
  Venue: ADBI, Kasumigaseki Building 8F, 3-2-5, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6008, Japan
  Organizers: Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose
2023.5.31-6.1 Participated in 2023 BOJ-IMES Conference.
  2023 BOJ-IMES Conference:
Old and New Challenges for Monetary Policy

  Date: May 31 – June 1, 2023
  Venue: Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan
2023.5.29 Participated in 2023 CJEB Tokyo Confernce as a moderator for Panel Ⅰ.
  2023 CJEB Annual Tokyo Conference “The Need for Innovation: Digitalization, Sustainable Cities, and Reforming Higher Education”
  Date &Time: Monday, May 29, 2023 | 1:15 – 6:30 p.m.
  Venue: Otemachi Financial City Conference Center
  ・”Digital Transformation in Japan: Navigating Key Challenges” KONO Taro, Minister for Digital Transformation; Minister for Digital Reform; Minister for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety; Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform, Government of Japan
  ・”The 21st Century University: An Enduring Foundation for Talent, Education, Discovery, and Innovation Launches a New Tradition of Impact” Mary C. Boyce, Provost; Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University
  <Panel I: “Higher Education for Innovation”>(1:55 – 3:20 p.m.)
  Panelists: Mary C. Boyce
       Teruo Fujii, President, The University of Tokyo
       Miguel Urquiola, Dean of Social Science; Professor of Economics, Columbia University
  Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University
  CJEB Events Arcives
2023.5.9 Participated in Japan Society, 'ESG Investing: Its History, Practice & Future' as as a speaker.
   “ESG Investing: Its History, Practice & Future”
  Date &Time: Tuesday, May 9, 9 am ET
  Venue: Live Webinar
  Speakers: Keiko Honda, Adjunct Professor and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
  Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds & Associate Director, Research, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School
  Moderator: Joshua W. Walker, Ph.D., President & CEO, Japan Society
2023.4.19 Lecture by Haruhiko Kuroda, 'Unconventional Monetary Policy'
   “Unconventional Monetary Policy”
  Date &Time: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 | 6:00 – 7:15 PM
  Venue: Cooperman Commons, Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School
  Featuring: Haruhiko Kuroda, Former Governor, Bank of Japan
  Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
  Welcome Remarks: David E. Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University
  CJEB Events Arcives
2023.4.17 Lecture by Haruhiko Kuroda, 'The Future of the International Monetary System'
  “The Future of the International Monetary System”
  Date & Time: Monday, April 17, 2023 | 5:30 – 7:00 PM
  Venue: Room 1501, International Affairs Building, Columbia University
  Remarks by: Haruhiko Kuroda, Former Governor of the Bank of Japan (March 2013 – April 2023)
  Dialogue with: Alan S. Blinder, the Gordon S. Rentschler Memorial Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University, and Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (1994-1996)
  Moderator: Takatoshi Ito
  CJEB Events Arcives
2023.4.14 Asian Economic Policy Review (AEPR) conference as a co-organizer, chair of two sessions, and a discussant on the paper.
Conference papers will be published in AEPR, vol.19, no.1, January 2024.
2023.3.23-24 Fifth Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network (co-hosted by Japan Economy Network and CJEB) was held at Columbia University.
  Agenda here(PDF、CJEB website)
  Date: 23-24 March 2023
  Venue:Presidential Room 1, 3rd Floor, Faculty House, Columbia University
  Day 1 (23 March 2023)
   9:00-9:15: Welcome
   Ulrich Volz (SOAS, University of London)
   Takatoshi Ito (Center on Japanese Economy and Business at Columbia Business School)
  Day 2 (24 March 2023)
   11:00-12:00: Keynote speech by Takatoshi Ito (Columbia University)
   16:45-18:15: Special Panel Discussion on Monetary Policy Challenges
   Chair: Andrew Filardo (Hoover Institution, Stanford University)
      Takatoshi Ito (Columbia University)
      Paolo Pesenti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
      Aichi Amemiya (Nomura)
      Rasmus Rüffer (European Central Bank)
      Toshitaka Sekine (Hitotsubashi University)
  CJEB Events Arcives
2023.2.24 Participated in Japan Economic Seminar hosted by CJEB.
  Japan Economic Seminar
  Date & Time: Friday, February 24, 2023 | 1:00 – 5:35 PM
  Venue: Room 520, Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School
  agenda (PDF, CJEB website)
  Session 1: “The Impact of Central Bank Stock Purchases: Evidence from Discontinuities in Policy Rules”
    Presenter: Masao Fukui, Assistant Professor, Boston University
    Coauthor: Masayuki Yagasaki
    Discussant: Kimie Harada, Chuo University
  Session 2: “A Field Experiment on Antitrust Compliance”
    Presenter: Kei Kawai, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, UC Berkeley
    Coauthor: Jun Nakabayashi
    Discussant: Pietro Tebaldi, Columbia University
  Moderator for Sessions 1 and 2: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
2023.2.13 Participated in the seminar at Harvard University.
  Program on U.S.-Japan Relations Seminar (Hybrid)
  “Challenges Facing the Japanese Economy: Demography, Debts, Deglobalization, and Decarbonization”
  Video Here(YouTube)
  Date: Monday, February 13, 2023, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
  Location: Huguette and Michel Porté Seminar Room (S250), CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, and Zoom (Hybrid Event)
  Speaker: Takatoshi Ito, Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds; Associate Director of Research, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School; Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.
  Moderator: Christina L. Davis, Director, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations. Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics, Department of Government; and Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Professor, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University.


■ 2022.12.14-15 Participated in ESRI International Conference 2022
“Post-COVID Economy and Society.”

  Summary Here (PDF: 733KB)
  Date & Time:
  <1st Day>International Roundtable December 14th 2022  14:00-18:00 (JST)
  <2nd Day>International Conference December 15th 2022   9:30-18:10 (JST)
  Method:Hybrid meeting
  1st Day, International Roundtable
   Session #3 : Impact of the Pandemic on the International Economy
   Chair : Anil Kashyap, Professor, University of Chicago
   Short presentations/comment by :
   Takatoshi Ito, Professor, Columbia University; Adjunct Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
  2nd Day, International Conference
   Second Session : Risks in the Financial System
   Chair : Anil Kashyap, Professor, University of Chicago
   Presentation : Helene Rey, Professor, University of London
   Comment : Takatoshi Ito, Professor, Columbia University; Adjunct Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

■ 2022.11.17 【CJEB Live Webinar】”Why Has Japan Become So Cheap? Part 2″
  Date & Time: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 7:00-8:30 PM (EST) / Friday, November 18, 2022 | 9:00 – 10:30 AM (Japan Time)
  A dialogue between:
  Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
  Tsutomu Watanabe, Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo

■ 2022.10.5 I gave a speech, “Why Has Japan Become So ‘Cheap’?” at CJEB, Columbia University.
  Slides here
  Date & Time: Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 6:00-7:30 PM (Reception to follow)
  Venue: Room 120 (Cooperman Commons), Geffen Hall, Columbia Business School (map)
  Featuring: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB
  Moderator: David E. Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University

■ 2022.9.19 Participated in SIPA Panel Discussion on Inflation and Monetary Policy.
  Date: Monday, September 19, 2022 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
  Location: Columbia University, International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118 St., New York, NY 10027
  Panelists: Professors Richard Clarida, Takatoshi Ito, Guillermo Mondino and Patricia Mosser

■ 2022.8.27-28 Participate in EAEA conference 2022 as a disccussant.

  Date & Time: August 27-28, 8:00am-10:00pm
  Venue: Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  Session S112: Lipsey Memorial Panel on Firms, Plants, and Trade 1
  Chair: Fredrik Sjoholm, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Stockholm
  Paper 1: The Changing Structure of Global Value Chains and Technological Change: Evidence from the Firm-Level Patent Data
  Presenter: Keiko Ito, Chiba University
  Discussant: Takatoshi Ito, Columbia University

■ 2022.8.4 I gave a keynote speech, “Challenges to the Real Estate Market (Research) in Japan” at The 26th AsRES Annual Conference 2022 in Tokyo – Hybrid.

  Date & Time: August 4, 1:30pm-2:20pm
  Speech: Keynote Speech & Invited Talks
  Location: UTokyo Ito Hall

■ 2022.8.2 I gave a speech, “The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Yen: Why has Japan Become so cheap?” at Singapore Economic Review Conference as an invited speaker.

  Session 18: Asian II
  Date: August 2, 2022 8:30 to 10:00
  Location: Amaryllis Breakout Room, Level 8 Orchard Wing, Hilton Singapore Orchard
  Session Chair: Takatoshi Ito, Columbia University
  Session type: invited

 2022.6.23 Served as a moderator in The Seventh Tokyo Fiscal Forum: “Fiscal Policy after the COVID-19 crisis: Toward a Resilient, Inclusive, and Digital Future in Asia” June 22-23, 2022.

  Day 2: Thursday, June 23
  Session 4: Digitalization of Government Operations
  Chair: Mr. Takatoshi Ito (Professor, Columbia University and GRIPS)
  [1] International Experiences of PFM digitalization
  Mr. Moritz Piatti (Senior Economist, World Bank)
  [2] Country Case 1: Cambodia
  Mr. Maun Prathna (Deputy Secretary General, Permanent Vice Chairman of FMIS Project Management, Ministry of Economy and Finance)
  [3] Country Case 2: Mongolia
  Mr. Baatarsuren Batsaikhan (Head, Risk Management Department, General Department of Taxation)

■ 2022.5.25-27 Center on Japanese Economy and Management, Columbia University hosted three webinars (annual Tokyo conference) on May 24, 25, and 26.
  Each day, it will take place at 7pm – 8:30pm (EDT).

  Day 1
  Date & Time: Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 7:00-8:35 PM (EDT)
  Keynote Speech: “Challenges Facing Japanese Diplomacy” Yoshimasa Hayashi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of Japan
  Followed by a panel discussion with the following panelists:
  Thomas J. Christensen, Interim Dean; James T. Shotwell Professor of International Relations, SIPA; Director, Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program
  Michael J. Green, Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
  Kenichiro Sasae, President, Japan Institute of International Affairs; Former Ambassador to the United States of America
  Susan A. Thornton, Senior Fellow and Visiting Lecturer, Yale Law School
  Registration from here

  Day 2
  Date & Time: Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (EDT)
  Keynote Speech: “Crisis Management and Women, New Capitalism and Women” Masako Mori, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Women’s Empowerment, Government of Japan
  Followed by a panel discussion with the following panelists:
  Tomoko Hayashi, Director-General, Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office, Japan
  Jun Suzuki, Chairperson; Member of the Board, Teijin Limited
  Keiko Tashiro, Member of the Board, Deputy President, Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
  Kathy Matsui, General Partner, MPower Partners
  Registration from here

  Day 3
  Date & Time: Thursday, May 26, 2022, 7:00 – 8:30 PM (EDT)
  Keynote Speech: “Japan’s Economic Security Policy” Takayuki Kobayashi, Economic Security Minister; Science and Technology Policy Minister; and Space Policy Minister, Government of Japan
  Followed by a panel discussion with the following panelists:
  Naoshi Hirose, Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
  Daniel M. Price, Managing Director, Rock Creek Global Advisors
  Candida Wolff, Executive Vice President and Head, Global Government Affairs, Citigroup
  Registration from here

 2022.5.18 The Association of Algorithmic Trading and the Financial Markets hosted the international conference, “2022 Conference on the Financial Center and Markets.”
  Date: Wednesday, May 18
  Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Ōtemachi
  About The Association of Algorithmic Trading and the Financial Markets

 2022.4.22 Served as a moderator in the CJEB event, Speech by Governor Kuroda, at Columbia University.
  Video here
  Governor’s speech text here

■ 2022.4.18 Served as a moderator in the CJEB event, featuring Takeshi Niinami, Chief Executive Officer, Suntory Holdings Limited, at Columbia University.
  It was an event for Columbia faculty, students and affiliates only. No summary or video available.

■ 2022.3.29-31   Participated in Fintech Summit as a speaker.
  Date: March 29(Tue)-31(Thu) 2022
  Venue: Marubiru Hall (7th floor, Marunouchi Building), Marubiru Conference Square (8th floor, Marunouchi Building )
  Organizers: NIKKEI, Financial Services Agency

■ 2022.3.24【Live Webinar 】Japan Economic Seminar (JES) by Center on Japanese Economy and Business
Date & Time:

Thursday, March 24, 2022 | 6:00–9:15 PM (EDT)
Friday, March 25, 2022 | 7:00–10:15 AM (Japan Time)
Venue: Live Webinar

Session 1: “Empowering Women Through Radio: Evidence from Occupied Japan”
Presenter: Yoko Okuyama, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Uppsala University
Discussant: John Marshall, Columbia University
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Columbia University

Session 2: “Paternalism, Autonomy, or Both? Experimental Evidence from Energy Saving Programs”
Koichiro Ito, Associate Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
Coauthor(s): Takanori Ida, Takunori Ishihara, Daido Kido, Toru Kitagawa, Shosei Sakaguchi, and Shusaku Sasaki
Discussant: Wolfram Schlenker, Columbia University 
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Columbia University

Session 3: “Place-Based Policies and the Geography of Corporate Investment”
Cameron LaPoint, Assistant Professor of Finance, Yale School of Management
Coauthor(s): Shogo Sakabe
Discussant: Daniel G. Garrett, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator: David Weinstein, Columbia University


■ 2021.11.16 【SIPA Faculty Webinar】The Monetary/Fiscal Policy Mix Needed for Attacking the COVID Slump
  Date & Time: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM (EST)
  Venue: Webinar
  Featuring: Willem Buiter, Special Economic Adviser to Citigroup and adjunct Professor, Guillermo Calvo Professor of International and Public Affairs, Takatoshi Ito, Professor of International and Public Affairs, and Jack Lew, Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs
  Moderator: Professor Patricia Mosser, Director of the MPA Program in Economic Policy Management and Senior Resarch Scholar

■ 2021.11.8 Participated in the PIFS conference.
  Date & Time:November 8-9 from 7:00pm-10:00pm EST (November 9-10 from 9:00am-12:00pm JST)
  Venue: Video Conference
  Theme: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Responses to COVID: Enough or too much?
     • Takatoshi Ito, Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
     • Mark Zandi, Chief Economist, Moody’s Analytics
     • Yuta Seki, Senior Corporate Managing Director, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research
     • Kensuke Niihara, Chief Investment Officer, Japan, State Street Global Advisors
     Moderator: Trevor Hill, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Global Head of Equity, Co-Global Head of Research, SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.

■ 2021.9.24-25 Participated in the Swiss National Bank Research Conference on September 24-25, 2021. I was a discussant of the paper presented by John Williams (President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York).
  Conference home page
  The program can be viewed here

■ 2021.9 The World Bank commissioned the study on its famous Doing Business Report.
  The panel members were:
  Laura Alfaro, Harvard Business School
  Alan Auerbach, University of California, Berkeley
  Mauricio Cardenas, School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University
  Takatoshi Ito, School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University
  Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, University of Maryland
  Justin Sandefur, Center for Global Development

  Our report was submitted to the World Bank on September 1 and made public on September 20.

  Among others, we recommend the abolishment of the ranking of nations, as there is not good way to aggregate assessments of different cases into one ranking.
  On the separate, but related, decision, the World Bank announced on September 16 to discontinue the Doing Business Report. The reason was due to a scandal of the World Bank management intervening in the Doing Business team to raise the ranking of China (in 2018 report) and Saudi Arabia, UAE, Azerbaijan (in 2020 report). A report by WilmerHale (legal firm) is made public.

■ 2021.7 My paper on Abenomics (the first and second arrows) is published as below:
  Takatoshi Ito
  “An Assessment of Abenomics: Evolution and Achievements”
  Asian Economic Policy Review, vol. 16, no. 2: pp 190-219.
  I made it “open access” so that anyone can download it.

 2021.9 The following paper has just been accepted by Journal of International Money and Finance.
  Yamada, Masahiro and Ito, Takatoshi, “Exchange Rate; Price discovery; Liquidity; Market Microstructure; high-frequency trading; macro announcement”
  An earlier version was in the NBER working paper no. 27036 (April 2020).

■ 2021.7.23 An article has appeared at VoxEU.
  “The dollar, the yen, or the renminbi? Invoicing currency choices by Japanese overseas subsidiaries”
  Takatoshi Ito, Satoshi Koibuchi, Kiyotaka Sato, Junko Shimizu, Taiyo Yoshimi, 23 July 2021

■ 2021.4.9-10 Organized Thirty Second AEPR Conference (Vol. 17, No. 1).
  Theme: “Pandemics and the Economy: Lessons from SARS, COVID-19, and After”
  Date: Friday 9 and Saturday 10 April 2021, Online
  Organizers: Takatoshi Ito, Kazumasa Iwata, Colin McKenzie, Haruko Noguchi & Shujiro Urata
  Sponsor: Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)

 2021.4.5 【Online Event】Panel Discussion on Economic Impact of COVID-19 One Year Later
  Monday, April 5, 2021 7:00 PM – 8:45 PM(EST)
   Professors Guillermo Calvo, Takatoshi Ito, Willem Buiter, Richard Robb, Jack Lew , and Andrea Bubala
  Moderator: Professor Patricia Mosser

■ 2021.3 “The Japanese Economy” Online Discussion Season 2 has started. (Organized by Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo.)
  YouTube channel

  about: Tokyo College

■ 2021.3  A new paper has been published.
  “The Dollar, the Yen, or the RMB? A Survey Data Analysis of Invoicing Currencies among Japanese Overseas Subsidiaries”

  ITO Takatoshi (Columbia University) / KOIBUCHI Satoshi (Chuo University) / SATO Kiyotaka (Yokohama National University) / SHIMIZU Junko (Gakushuin University) / YOSHIMI Taiyo (Chuo University)
  RIETI Discussion Paper Series March 2021 21-E-016

■ 2021.1 Appointed as an external panel for the review of the “Doing Business” indicator.
  World Bank: Consultations


■ 2020.12.22 Participated in the webinar hosted by University of Malaya.
Date: 22nd December 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 8:00pm – 9:30pm (GMT +8:00)
Guest Speaker II: Takatoshi Itov(8:35pm – 8:55pm)

 2020.12.5 【Webinar】Book Launch webinar hosted by CJEB
   “The Japanese Economy, Second Edition” (MIT Press, 2020)
  Friday, December 4, 2020 | 6:00-7:30 PM (EST)
  Saturday, December 5, 2020 | 8:00-9:30 AM (Japan Time)
  Takatoshi Ito
  Takeo Hoshi, Professor of Economics, The University of Tokyo
  Moderator: David E. Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University
  Organizer: Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business Schoo
  Outreach partner: Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo
  Note: This webinar was the book launch for The Japanese Economy, Second Edition (The MIT Press, 2020), written by Takatoshi Ito (Columbia University) and Takeo Hoshi (The University of Tokyo).

■2020.11.29 An article has appeared at Discuss Japan.
 Discuss Japan, “A Review of Abenomics: Results in Terms of Escaping Deflation and Positive Economic Change”
 Discuss Japan, No.62, Economy Nov. 29, 2020.
 Twitter is here.
 Facebook is here.

■ 2020.11.25 【Virtual Conference】Securing Financial Stability: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis in the Age of COVID-19 (hosted by IMF and the University of Tokyo)
  Session 3: Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 9:30 – 11:00 pm
  ”Financial regulatory measures during the GFC and lessons and measures for the COVID-19 crisis”
  Moderator: Mr. Yoshihiro Kawai, Visiting Professor, The University of Tokyo
  Panelists: Mr. Stefan Ingves, Governor, Sveriges Riksbank (by video); Mr. Stijn Claessens, Head of Financial Stability Policy Department, BIS; Mr. Nobuyuki Hirano, Chairman, Member of the Board of Directors, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.; Takatoshi Ito

■ 2020.11.20 Participated in The Global Town Hall.
  Agenda is here.
  09. At the Edge of a Cliff: How to Overcome the Worst Economic Recession of Our Time
  Institutional Partner:
  Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia and Milken Institute
  Time: 19:10 – 20:15 | GMT+7
  Jin Liqun, President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
  Ahmed M. Saeed, Vice-President (Operations 2) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  Richard Samans, Director of Research at the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Former Managing Director of the World Economic Forum
  Prof. Takatoshi Ito
  Video Message by:
  Dr. Mari Pangestu, Managing Director of the World Bank

■ 2020.11.20【Webinar】Conference on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds
  Day Two of the 5th annual conference of CJEB’s Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds
  Public Pension Funds in the COVID-19 Era
  Thursday, November 19, 2020 | 7:00 – 8:15 PM (EST)
  Friday, November 20, 2020 | 9:00 – 10:15 AM (JST)
  Dr. Catherine L. Mann, Global Chief Economist, Citibank
  Masataka Miyazono, President, Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)
  Geoffrey Rubin, Senior Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist, CPP Investments
  Ángel Ubide, Managing Director and Head of Economic Research for Global Fixed Income, Citadel
  Moderator: Takatoshi Ito

■ 2020.11.13【Webinar】Central Bank Digital Currencies
  Friday, November 13, 2020 | 8:00-9:00 AM (EST)
  Friday, November 13, 2020 | 10:00-11:00 PM (JST)
  Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor, Bank of England
  Eswar Prasad, Professor, Cornell University
  Shinichi Uchida, Executive Director, Bank of Japan
  Moderator: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School
  Discussant: Patricia C. Mosser, Senior Research Scholar, SIPA; Director, Central Banking and Financial Policy @ SIPA
  Organizer: Central Banking and Financial Policy Initiative, SIPA, and Columbia University
  Outreach partner: Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School

■ 2020.11.5【Webinar】Pension Funds and ESG Investing
  Live Webinar Series
  Conference on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds
  The 5th annual conference of CJEB’s Program on Public Pension and Sovereign
  Wednesday, November 4, 2020 | 7:00 – 8:00 PM (EST)
  Thursday, November 5, 2020 | 9:00 – 10:00 AM (JST)
  Anita George, Executive Vice-President and Deputy Head, CDPQ Global
  Doug Peterson, President and CEO, S&P Global
  Keiko Honda, Adjunct Professor and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University; Former CEO of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) of the World Bank Group
  Opening Remarks:
   David E. Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University; Takatoshi Ito, Professor, SIPA, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, CJEB

■ 2020.10.6 Participated in JCER Special Webinar.
  JCER Roundtable “With/Post-Covid19 world” 
  Special Webinar “Fiscal and monetary policy in the Covid-19 Era”

  Date : Washington, D.C.&NY Oct. 5,2020
  Adam S. Posen, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics
  Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
  Toshitaka Sekine, Professor,School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University
  Moderated by:Jun Saito, Senior Research Fellow of JCER, Visiting Professor of the Department of Economics and Business, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
  MC :Kaori Nikami, Director, Membership Service Department, JCER

■ 2020.10.28 【Webinar】The Transition from Abenomics to Suganomics: What Should We Expect?
  Tuesday, October 27, 2020 | 8:00 – 9:00 PM (EDT)
  Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | 9:00 – 10:00 AM (JST)
  Featuring: Takatoshi Ito, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Director, Program on Public Pension and Sovereign Funds, Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB), Columbia Business School
  Moderator: David E. Weinstein, Director, CJEB; Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Columbia University

■ 2020.10 The following paper has been published (the Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (JJIE)).
  Ito, Takatoshi and Tomoyoshi Yabu. “Japanese Foreign Exchange Interventions, 1971-2018: Estimating a Reaction Function Using the Best Proxy,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, vol. 58, December: 1-13.
(Earlier version is available as a NBER working paper, No. 26644, Issued in January 2020.)

■ 2020.9.24 【Webinar】Implications for Central Bank Independence
Date & Time: Thursday, September 24, 2020 | 8:00 AM (EDT)
Venue: Live Webinar
Veerathai Santiprabhob (Governor Bank of Thailand, Chair, BIS Central Bank Governance Group)
Athanasios Orphanides (Professor of Practice, MIT Sloan School, former Governor of the Bank of Cyprus)
Kathryn Judge (Harvey J. Goldschmid Professor of Law at Columbia Law School)
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito
Discussant: Patricia Mosser (Director, Central Banking and Financial Policy, Columbia SIPA)

■ 2020.9.8 【Webinar】Recent Lessons for Financial Regulation and Macroprudential Policy
Date & Time: Thursday, September 8, 2020 | 8:00 AM (EDT)
Venue: Live Webinar
Ryozo Himino (Commissioner, Japanese Financial Services Agency)
Donald Kohn (Robert V. Roosa Chair in International Economics, Brookings Financial Stability Committee, BOE)
Jeremy Stein (Moise Y. Safra Professor of Economics, Harvard University Former Governor, Federal Reserve)
Moderator: Patricia Mosser (Director, Central Banking and Financial Policy, Columbia SIPA)
Discussant: Takatoshi Ito

■ 2020.9.4 “The Japanese Economy” Online Discussion with Professor Takeo Hoshi has started. (Organized by Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo.)
  YouTube channel (Japanese Only)
  about Tokyo College

■ 2020.9.1 Assigned to Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology as Specially Appointed Professor.
  about Tokyo Tech World Research Hub Initiative (WRHI)

■ 2020.8.13 【Webinar】Lessons from the Fight against COVID-19: Tokyo and New York
Date & Time: Thursday, August 13, 2020 | 8:00-9:00 AM (EDT)
Venue: Live Webinar
Shigeru Omi (Chairman, Subcommittee on Novel Coronavirus Disease Control; President, Japan Community Health care Organization),
Tomoaki Kato (Professor of Surgery; Edwin C. and Anne K. Weiskopf Professor of Surgical Oncology, Chief Division of Abdominal Organ Transplant, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons)
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito

■ 2020.8.5【Webinar】”Central Banking in the COVID-19 Era”
  Date & Time: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 | 8:00 – 9:00 AM (EDT)
  Venue: Online
  Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor, Bank of Japan
  Janet L. Yellen, Distinguished Fellow in Residence with the Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution; Former Chair, The Federal Reserve Board
  Moderated by: Takatoshi Ito
  Discussant:Patricia Mosser, Director, MPA Program in Economic Policy Management; Senior Research Scholar, SIPA, Columbia University

■ 2020.7.20【Webinar】”Economic Recovery from the Pandemic and Transformation toward a Better New Normal in Japan and the United States
  Date & Time: Monday, July 20, 2020 | 8:00 – 9:00 AM (EDT) 
  Venue: Online
Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy; Minister for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control; Minister for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Government of Japan
Glenn Hubbard, Dean Emeritus; Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School
Moderated by: Takatoshi Ito

■ 2020.7.15【Webinar】”ESG Investing in the COVID-19 Era
  Date & Time: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (EDT)  
  Venue: Online
Kathy Matsui, Vice Chair; Chief Japan Strategist; Co-head of Macro Research Asia, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.
Ronald P. O’Hanley,
Chairman & CEO, State Street
Moderator: Keiko Honda, Adjunct Professor and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University; Former CEO and Former Executive Vice President, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

■ 2020.7.8【Webinar】”International Financial Institutions in the COVID-19 Era
  Date & Time: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (EDT)  
  Venue: Online
Masatsugu Asakawa, President and Chairperson of Board of Directors, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Mitsuhiro Furusawa, Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Keiko Honda, Adjunct Professor and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University; Former CEO and Former Executive Vice President, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
Moderator: Takatoshi Ito

■ 2020.7.1 【SIPA EVENT】”The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Economy
  Date & Time: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM (EDT)
  Venue: Online
  Panelists: Professor Patricia Mosser (Director of MPA in Economic Policy Management), Professor Willem Buiter, Professor Jan Svejnar, Professor Guillermo Calvo, and Professor Takatoshi Ito

■ 2020.6.17 【Live Webinar】”What Japan Should Do Now in Preparation for Japan’s New Normal”
  Date & Time: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 | 8:00 – 9:00 AM (EDT)
  Venue: Live Webinar
  Featuring: Takatoshi Ito
  Moderator: Keiko Honda(Adjunct Professor and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, SIPA, Columbia University; Former CEO and Former Executive Vice President, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA))
  *This event will be conducted in Japanese.

■ 2020.4 Professor Takatoshi Ito’s Ideas and Posts on “COVID-19: New York vs. Tokyo”(in CJEB Website)
Professor Takatoshi Ito is compiling information and making regular updates online about the responses to COVID-19 based on media reporting in both New York and in Tokyo.

■ 2020.4 A new paper has been published.
“Price Discovery and Liquidity Recovery: Forex Market Reactions to Macro Announcements”
Masahiro Yamada, Takatoshi Ito, NBER Working Paper No.27036, April 2020.

■ 2020.4.21 Seminar: Harvard University’s Program on U.S.-Japan Relations
“Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 for Japan and the World” (via Zoom)
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 12:30pm to 2:00pm
Venue: Online Only
Speaker: Takatoshi Ito (Professor of International and Public Affairs, School of Public and International Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University)
Moderator: Christina Davis (Director, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations; Professor of Government; and Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University)